Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of TracInstall

2019-02-22T10:54:46+10:00 (6 years ago)



  • TracInstall

    v3 v4  
    1 = Trac Installation Guide for 1.2
     1= Trac Installation Guide for 1.3
    4 Trac is written in the Python programming language and needs a database, [ SQLite], [ PostgreSQL], or [ MySQL]. For HTML rendering, Trac uses the [ Genshi] templating system.
     4Trac is written in the Python programming language and needs a database, [ SQLite], [ PostgreSQL], or [ MySQL]. For HTML rendering, Trac uses the [ Jinja2] templating system, though Genshi templates will still be supported until at least Trac 1.5.1.
    66Trac can also be localized, and there is probably a translation available in your language. If you want to use the Trac interface in other languages, then make sure you have installed the optional package [#OtherPythonPackages Babel]. Pay attention to the extra steps for localization support in the [#InstallingTrac Installing Trac] section below. Lacking Babel, you will only get the default English version.
    8 If you're interested in contributing new translations for other languages or enhancing the existing translations, then please have a look at [trac:wiki:TracL10N TracL10N].
     8If you're interested in contributing new translations for other languages or enhancing the existing translations, please have a look at [trac:wiki:TracL10N TracL10N].
    1010What follows are generic instructions for installing and setting up Trac. While you may find instructions for installing Trac on specific systems at [trac:TracInstallPlatforms TracInstallPlatforms], please '''first read through these general instructions''' to get a good understanding of the tasks involved.
    1616To install Trac, the following software packages must be installed:
    18  * [ Python], version >= 2.6 and < 3.0
    19    (note that we dropped the support for Python 2.5 in this release)
    20  * [ setuptools], version >= 0.6
    21  * [ Genshi], version >= 0.6
     18 * [ Python], version >= 2.7 and < 3.0
     19   (note that we dropped the support for Python 2.6 in this release)
     20 * [ setuptools], version >= 0.6
     21 * [ Jinja2], version >= 2.9.3
     23{{{#!div style="border: 1pt dotted; margin: 1em"
     24**Setuptools Warning:** If the version of your setuptools is in the range 5.4 through 5.6, the environment variable `PKG_RESOURCES_CACHE_ZIP_MANIFESTS` must be set in order to avoid significant performance degradation. More information may be found in [#DeployingTrac Deploying Trac].
    2327You also need a database system and the corresponding python bindings. The database can be either SQLite, PostgreSQL or MySQL.
    2529==== For the SQLite database #ForSQLite
    27 As you must be using Python 2.6 or 2.7, you already have the SQLite database bindings bundled with the standard distribution of Python (the `sqlite3` module).
    29 Optionally, you may install a newer version of [ pysqlite] than the one provided by the Python distribution. See [trac:PySqlite#ThePysqlite2bindings PySqlite] for details.
     31You already have the SQLite database bindings bundled with the standard distribution of Python (the `sqlite3` module).
     33Optionally, you may install a newer version of [ pysqlite] than the one provided by the Python distribution. See [trac:PySqlite#ThePysqlite2bindings PySqlite] for details.
    3135==== For the PostgreSQL database #ForPostgreSQL
    3337You need to install the database and its Python bindings:
    34  * [ PostgreSQL], version 8.0 or later
    35  * [ psycopg2], version 2.0 or later
     38 * [ PostgreSQL], version 9.1 or later
     39 * [ psycopg2], version 2.0 or later
    3741See [trac:DatabaseBackend#Postgresql DatabaseBackend] for details.
    3943==== For the MySQL database #ForMySQL
    41 Trac works well with MySQL, provided you follow the guidelines:
     45Trac works well with MySQL, provided you use the following:
    4347 * [ MySQL], version 5.0 or later
    44  * [ MySQLdb], version 1.2.2 or later
     48 * [ PyMySQL]
    4650Given the caveats and known issues surrounding MySQL, read carefully the [trac:MySqlDb] page before creating the database.
    5256[ Subversion], 1.6.x or later and the '''''corresponding''''' Python bindings.
    54 There are [ pre-compiled SWIG bindings] available for various platforms. (Good luck finding precompiled SWIG bindings for any Windows package at that listing. [trac:TracSubversion] points you to [ Alagazam], which works for me under Python 2.6.)
    56 For troubleshooting information, see the [trac:TracSubversion#Troubleshooting TracSubversion] page.
     58There are [ pre-compiled SWIG bindings] available for various platforms. See [trac:TracSubversion#GettingSubversion getting Subversion] for more information.
    5860{{{#!div style="border: 1pt dotted; margin: 1em"
    6062* Trac '''doesn't''' use [ PySVN], nor does it work yet with the newer `ctype`-style bindings.
    61 * If using Subversion, Trac must be installed on the '''same machine'''. Remote repositories are currently [trac:ticket:493 not supported].
    62 }}}
     63* If using Subversion, Trac must be installed on the '''same machine'''. Remote repositories are [trac:ticket:493 not supported].
     66For troubleshooting information, see the [trac:TracSubversion#Troubleshooting TracSubversion] page.
    6468==== Git
    7579Alternatively you can configure Trac to run in any of the following environments:
    7680 * [ Apache] with
    77   * [ mod_wsgi], see [wiki:TracModWSGI] and [ ModWSGI IntegrationWithTrac].
    78   * [ mod_python 3.5.0], see TracModPython
     81   - [ mod_wsgi], see [wiki:TracModWSGI] and
     82     [ ModWSGI IntegrationWithTrac].
     83   - [ mod_python 3.5.0], see TracModPython
    7984 * a [ FastCGI]-capable web server (see TracFastCgi)
    8085 * an [ AJP]-capable web
    8792==== Other Python Packages
    89  * [ Babel], version 0.9.6 or >= 1.3,
     94 * [ Babel], version 0.9.6 or >= 1.3,
    9095   needed for localization support
    91  * [ docutils], version >= 0.3.9
     96 * [ docutils], version >= 0.3.9
    9297   for WikiRestructuredText.
    9398 * [ Pygments] for
    9499   [TracSyntaxColoring syntax highlighting].
    95  * [ pytz] to get a complete list of time zones,
     100 * [ Textile] for rendering the [ Textile markup language].
     101 * [ pytz] to get a complete list of time zones,
    96102   otherwise Trac will fall back on a shorter list from
    97103   an internal time zone implementation.
     104 * [ passlib] on Windows to decode [TracStandalone#BasicAuthorization:Usingahtpasswdpasswordfile htpasswd formats] other than `SHA-1`.
     105 * [ pyreadline] on Windows for trac-admin [TracAdmin#InteractiveMode command completion].
    99107{{{#!div style="border: 1pt dotted; margin: 1em"
    109117It is assumed throughout this guide that you have elevated permissions as the `root` user or by prefixing commands with `sudo`. The umask `0002` should be used for a typical installation on a Unix-based platform.
    111 === Using `easy_install`
    112 Trac can be installed from PyPI or the Subversion repository using [ setuptools].
    114 A few examples:
    116  - Install the latest stable version of Trac:
    117  {{{#!sh
    118 $ easy_install Trac
    119 }}}
    120  - Install latest development version:
    121  {{{#!sh
    122 $ easy_install
    123 }}}
    124    Note that in this case you won't have the possibility to run a localized version of Trac;
    125    either use a released version or install from source
    127 More information can be found on the [trac:wiki:setuptools setuptools] page.
    129 {{{#!div style="border: 1pt dotted; margin: 1em"
    130 **Setuptools Warning:** If the version of your setuptools is in the range 5.4 through 5.6, the environment variable `PKG_RESOURCES_CACHE_ZIP_MANIFESTS` must be set in order to avoid significant performance degradation. More information may be found in [#DeployingTrac Deploying Trac].
    131 }}}
    133119=== Using `pip`
    134 'pip' is an easy_install replacement that is very useful to quickly install python packages.
    135 To get a Trac installation up and running in less than 5 minutes:
    137 Assuming you want to have your entire pip installation in `/opt/user/trac`
    139  {{{#!sh
    140 $ pip install trac psycopg2
    141 }}}
    142 or
    143  {{{#!sh
    144 $ pip install trac mysql-python
    145 }}}
    147 Make sure your OS specific headers are available for pip to automatically build PostgreSQL (`libpq-dev`) or MySQL (`libmysqlclient-dev`) bindings.
    149 pip will automatically resolve all dependencies (like Genshi, pygments, etc.), download the latest packages from and create a self contained installation in `/opt/user/trac`.
    151 All commands (`tracd`, `trac-admin`) are available in `/opt/user/trac/bin`. This can also be leveraged for `mod_python` (using `PythonHandler` directive) and `mod_wsgi` (using `WSGIDaemonProcess` directive)
    153 Additionally, you can install several Trac plugins (listed [ here]) through pip.
    155 === From source
    156 Using the python-typical setup at the top of the source directory also works. You can obtain the source for a .tar.gz or .zip file corresponding to a release (e.g. `Trac-1.0.tar.gz`) from the [trac:TracDownload] page, or you can get the source directly from the repository. See [trac:TracRepositories#OfficialSubversionrepository TracRepositories] for details.
    158 {{{#!sh
    159 $ python ./ install
    160 }}}
    162 ''You will need root permissions or equivalent for this step.''
    164 This will byte-compile the Python source code and install it as an .egg file or folder in the `site-packages` directory
    165 of your Python installation. The .egg will also contain all other resources needed by standard Trac, such as `htdocs` and `templates`.
    167 If you install from source and want to make Trac available in other languages, make sure Babel is installed. Only then, perform the `install` (or simply redo the `install` once again afterwards if you realize Babel was not yet installed):
    168 {{{#!sh
    169 $ python ./ install
    170 }}}
    171 Alternatively, you can run `bdist_egg` and copy the .egg from `dist/` to the place of your choice, or you can create a Windows installer (`bdist_wininst`).
     120`pip` is the modern Python package manager and is included in Python 2.7.9 and later. Use [] to install `pip` for an earlier version of Python.
     123$ pip install Trac
     126`pip` will automatically resolve the //required// dependencies (Jinja2 and setuptools) and download the latest packages from
     128You can also install directly from a source package. You can obtain the source in a tar or zip from the [trac:TracDownload] page. After extracting the archive, change to the directory containing `` and run:
     131$ pip install .
     134`pip` supports numerous other install mechanisms. It can be passed the URL of an archive or other download location. Here are some examples:
     136* Install the latest stable version from a zip archive:
     138$ pip install
     140* Install the latest development version from a tar archive:
     142$ pip install
     144* Install the unreleased 1.2-stable from subversion:
     146$ pip install svn+
     148* Install the latest development preview (//not recommended for production installs//):
     150$ pip install --find-links= Trac
     153The optional dependencies can be installed from PyPI using `pip`:
     155$ pip install babel docutils pygments pytz textile
     158Additionally, you can install several Trac plugins from PyPI (listed [ here]) using pip. See TracPlugins for more information.
    173160=== Using installer
    177164=== Using package manager
    179 Trac may be available in your platform's package repository. Note however, that the version provided by your package manager may not be the latest release.
    181 === Advanced `easy_install` Options
    183 To install Trac to a custom location, or find out about other advanced installation options, run:
    184 {{{#!sh
    185 $ easy_install --help
    186 }}}
    188 Also see [ Installing Python Modules] for detailed information.
    190 Specifically, you might be interested in:
    191 {{{#!sh
    192 $ easy_install --prefix=/path/to/installdir
    193 }}}
    194 or, if installing Trac on a Mac OS X system:
    195 {{{#!sh
    196 $ easy_install --prefix=/usr/local --install-dir=/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages
    197 }}}
    199 {{{#!div style="border: 1pt dotted; margin: 1em"
    200 **Mac OS X Note:** On Mac OS X 10.6,  running `easy_install trac` will install into `/usr/local` and `/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages` by default.
    202 The `tracd` and `trac-admin` commands will be placed in `/usr/local/bin` and will install the Trac libraries and dependencies into `/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages`, which is Apple's preferred location for third-party Python application installations.
    203 }}}
     166Trac may be available in your platform's package repository. However, your package manager may not provide the latest release of Trac.
    205168== Creating a Project Environment
    214 You will be prompted for the information needed to create the environment: the name of the project and the [TracEnvironment#DatabaseConnectionStrings database connection string]. If you're not sure what to specify for any of these options, just press `<Enter>` to use the default value.
     177[TracAdmin trac-admin] will prompt you for the information it needs to create the environment: the name of the project and the [TracEnvironment#DatabaseConnectionStrings database connection string]. If you're not sure what to specify for any of these options, just press `<Enter>` to use the default value.
    216179Using the default database connection string will always work as long as you have SQLite installed. For the other [trac:DatabaseBackend database backends] you should plan ahead and already have a database ready to use at this point.
    218181Also note that the values you specify here can be changed later using TracAdmin or directly editing the [TracIni conf/trac.ini] configuration file.
    220 {{{#!div style="border: 1pt dotted; margin: 1em"
    221 **Filesystem Warning:** When selecting the location of your environment, make sure that the filesystem on which the environment directory resides supports sub-second timestamps (i.e. **not** `ext2` or `ext3` on Linux, or HFS+ on OSX), as the modification time of the `conf/trac.ini` file will be monitored to decide whether an environment restart is needed or not. A too coarse-grained timestamp resolution may result in inconsistencies in Trac < 1.0.2. The best advice is to opt for a platform with sub-second timestamp resolution, regardless of the Trac version.
    222 }}}
    224183Finally, make sure the user account under which the web front-end runs will have '''write permissions''' to the environment directory and all the files inside. This will be the case if you run `trac-admin ... initenv` as this user. If not, you should set the correct user afterwards. For example on Linux, with the web server running as user `apache` and group `apache`, enter:
    262 Then, fire up a browser and visit `http://localhost:8000/`. You should get a simple listing of all environments that `tracd` knows about. Follow the link to the environment you just created, and you should see Trac in action. If you only plan on managing a single project with Trac you can have the standalone server skip the environment list by starting it like this:
     221Then, open a browser and visit `http://localhost:8000/`. You should get a simple listing of all environments that `tracd` knows about. Follow the link to the environment you just created, and you should see Trac in action. If you only plan on managing a single project with Trac you can have the standalone server skip the environment list by starting it like this:
    264223$ tracd -s --port 8000 /path/to/myproject
    271230 - [wiki:TracModWSGI Apache with mod_wsgi]
    272231 - [TracModPython Apache with mod_python]
    273  - [TracCgi CGI] //(should not be used, as the performance is far from optimal)//
     232 - //[TracCgi CGI] (should not be used, as the performance is far from optimal)//
    275234Trac also supports [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp AJP] which may be your choice if you want to connect to IIS. Other deployment scenarios are possible: [trac:TracNginxRecipe nginx], [ uwsgi], [trac:TracOnWindowsIisIsapi Isapi-wsgi] etc.
    366 Another alternative to aliasing `/trac/chrome/common` is having Trac generate direct links for those static resources (and only those), using the [TracIni#trac-section htdocs_location] configuration setting:
     325Another alternative to aliasing `/trac/chrome/common` is having Trac generate direct links for those static resources (and only those), using the [[TracIni#trac-section| [trac] htdocs_location]] configuration setting:
    379 ==== Setting up the Plugin Cache #egg-cache
     338==== Setting up the Plugin Cache
    381340Some Python plugins need to be extracted to a cache directory. By default the cache resides in the home directory of the current user. When running Trac on a Web Server as a dedicated user (which is highly recommended) who has no home directory, this might prevent the plugins from starting. To override the cache location you can set the `PYTHON_EGG_CACHE` environment variable. Refer to your server documentation for detailed instructions on how to set environment variables.
    383 If you setup hook scripts that call Trac, such as the Subversion post-commit hook script provided in the `/contrib` directory, make sure you define the `PYTHON_EGG_CACHE` environment variable within these scripts as well.
    385342== Configuring Authentication