Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of InterTrac
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- 2018-09-21T17:14:23+10:00 (6 years ago)
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v2 v3 1 1 = InterTrac Links 2 2 3 Trac supports a convenient way to refer to resources of other Trac servers, from within the Wiki markup. An !InterTrac link can be seen as a scoped TracLinks. It is used for referring to a Trac resource located in another Trac environment. A resource can be a wiki page, changeset, ticket or milestone. 4 5 == List of Active InterTrac Prefixes 6 7 [[InterTrac]] 3 Trac supports a convenient way to refer to resources of other Trac servers using Wiki markup. An !InterTrac link can be seen as a scoped [TracLinks TracLink]. It is used for referring to a Trac resource located in another Trac environment. 8 4 9 5 == Link Syntax 10 6 11 Simply use the name of the other Trac environment as a prefix, followed by a colon, ending with the resource located in the other environment .7 Simply use the name of the other Trac environment as a prefix, followed by a colon, ending with the resource located in the other environment: 12 8 13 9 {{{ … … 15 11 }}} 16 12 17 The other resource is specified using a regular TracLinks, of any flavor.13 The other resource is specified using a regular !TracLink, of any flavor. 18 14 19 That target environment name is either the real name of the environment or an alias for it.20 The aliases are defined in `trac.ini` (see below).15 That target environment name is either the real name of the environment or an alias. 16 The aliases are defined in the `trac.ini` file, see below. 21 17 The prefix is case insensitive. 22 18 23 If the InterTrac link is enclosed in square brackets (like `[th:WikiExtrasPlugin]`), the InterTrac prefix is removed in the displayed link like a normal link resolver would be, iethe above would be displayed as `WikiExtrasPlugin`.19 If the InterTrac link is enclosed in square brackets, like `[th:WikiExtrasPlugin]`, the InterTrac prefix is removed in the displayed link like a normal link resolver would be. For example, the above would be displayed as `WikiExtrasPlugin`. 24 20 25 For convenience, there 's also some alternative short-hand form, where one can use an aliasas an immediate prefix for the identifier of a ticket, changeset or report, eg `#T234`, `[T1508]`, `[trac 1508]`.21 For convenience, there is also an alternate short-hand form, where an alias can be used as an immediate prefix for the identifier of a ticket, changeset or report, eg `#T234`, `[T1508]`, `[trac 1508]`. 26 22 27 23 == Examples 28 24 29 It is necessary to setup a configuration for the InterTrac facility. 30 This configuration has to be done in the TracIni file, `[intertrac]` section. 25 The only prefix defined by default is `trac`, which points to Additional prefixes can be specified in the [TracIni#intertrac-section intertrac] section of TracIni. For example: 31 26 32 Example configuration:33 27 {{{#!ini 34 28 [intertrac] … … 37 31 38 32 # -- Link to an external Trac: 39 trac.title = Edgewall's Trac for Trac 40 trac.url = http://trac.edgewall.org33 genshi.title = Edgewall's Trac for Genshi 34 genshi.url = 41 35 }}} 42 36 43 37 The `.url` is mandatory and is used for locating the other Trac. 44 This can be a relative URL in case thatTrac environment is located on the same server.38 It can be a relative URL when the Trac environment is located on the same server. 45 39 46 The `.title` information will be used for providing an useful tooltip when moving the cursor over an InterTrac links. 47 48 Finally, the `.compat` option can be used to activate or disable 49 a ''compatibility'' mode: 50 * If the targeted Trac is running a version below [trac:milestone:0.10 0.10] 51 ([trac:r3526 r3526] to be precise), then it doesn't know how to dispatch an InterTrac 52 link, and it's up to the local Trac to prepare the correct link. 53 Not all links will work that way, but the most common do. 54 This is called the compatibility mode, and is `false` by default. 55 * If you know that the remote Trac knows how to dispatch InterTrac links, 56 you can explicitly disable this compatibility mode and then ''any'' 57 TracLinks can become an InterTrac link. 40 The `.title` information is used in a tooltip, ie when hovering the cursor over an InterTrac link. 58 41 59 42 Now, given the above configuration, one could create the following links: … … 61 44 * `trac:wiki:InterTrac` trac:wiki:InterTrac 62 45 * `t:wiki:InterTrac` t:wiki:InterTrac 46 * `genshi:InterTrac` genshi:InterTrac 63 47 * Keys are case insensitive: `T:wiki:InterTrac` T:wiki:InterTrac 64 48 * to the ticket #234: 65 49 * `trac:ticket:234` trac:ticket:234 66 50 * `trac:#234` trac:#234 51 * `genshi:#234` genshi:#234 67 52 * `#T234` #T234 68 53 * to the changeset [1912]: 69 54 * `trac:changeset:1912` trac:changeset:1912 70 55 * `[T1912]` [T1912] 71 * to the log range [3300:3330]: '''(Note: the following ones need `trac.compat=false`)'''56 * to the log range [3300:3330]: 72 57 * `trac:log:@3300:3330` trac:log:@3300:3330 73 * `[trac 3300:3330]` [trac 3300:3330] 74 * finally, to link to the start page of a remote trac, simply use its prefix followed by ':', inside an explicit link. Example: `[th: Trac Hacks]` (''since 0.11; note that the ''remote'' Trac has to run0.11 for this to work'')58 * `[trac 3300:3330]` [trac 3300:3330] 59 * finally, to link to the start page of a remote trac, simply use its prefix followed by ':', inside an explicit link. Example: `[th: Trac Hacks]` (note that the ''remote'' Trac has to run Trac >= 0.11 for this to work'') 75 60 76 The generic form `intertrac_prefix:module:id` is translated to the corresponding URL `<remote>/module/id`, shorthand links are specific to some modules (e.g. !#T234 is processed by the ticket module) and for the rest (`intertrac_prefix:something`), we rely on the TracSearch#quickjump facility of the remote Trac. 61 The generic form `intertrac_prefix:module:id` is translated to the corresponding URL `<remote>/module/id`. Shorthand links are specific to some modules (e.g. !#T234 is processed by the ticket module). For the rest (`intertrac_prefix:something`), we rely on the [TracSearch#quickjump quick jump] facility of the remote Trac. 62 63 == List of Active InterTrac Prefixes 64 65 The following InterTrac prefixes are available on this site: 66 67 [[InterTrac]] 77 68 78 69 ----