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My practice specialises in self managed superannuation fund (SMSF) audits and has been involved in using Instead since it was first launched 6 years ago. I have worked in small to large accounting practices for over 25 years. My experience includes business and self managed superannuation fund audits. I have been conducting my own practice for the last 11 years.
In the initial phase, the processes provided by the Instead system allowed an accurate and well presented audit file to be provided to us. Approximately 3 years ago Instead was upgraded to allow us to audit files electronically. Instead has a clear index system that enables us to quickly locate the relevant documentation. It is easy to use and requires less time to audit the funds. Instead is proving to be very reliable and we view it as an innovator to assist in improving the efficiency of SMSF audits. The thought of a paperless audit was something we did not think was possible before the establishment of Instead.
Our understanding is that research continues to be undertaken to improve Instead even further. Improvements being researched include a mechanism to allocate audit documents to instead without any human intervention. The technology is cutting edge and continues to impress us.
Another important feature of the Instead audit module allows the auditor to ‘lock’ sections that have been audited to prevent any subsequent changes being made to the file. It is useful to have bulky documents such as Superannuation Fund Deeds available electronically and we appreciate not having to carry paper files around.
Instead represent ground breaking technology and we have confidence in recommending Instead to any organisation and wish the company great success.
David Rodwell – Director
Member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia